The fire

So here I am on the hottest day of the year tramping around in the Tyee burn of 1994. There were three huge fires in 1994 in Eastern Washington and the government in its wisdom had decreed that the trees could be cut in the summer of 1997. Finding a logger who can actually supply the needs of a cabin builder can be tricky and tiring. Many small time operations simply don't have enough logs of the right quality at the time you need them. Its takes some patience, but it's important to remember that there's still lots of trees being cut in this country and that you can afford to pay more for a tree than a lumber mill that's gotta spend a whole bunch of time and energy turning half of it into sawdust.

So, to make a long story short, I finally found someone who could get me some of the Tyee's lightly toasted logs.

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This page was created by Paul Kahle 20-Mar-1998

This page was last updated on 13-Jan-2001